Thursday, December 15, 2011

Greatest Learning in Ateneo

"There is nothing commendable than to see yourself clamoring for excellence despite of the nonchalance and mediocrity of the people around you."

(Capaciete, 2012)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Consciousness Examen - Xavier Dorm

I would like to clarify that I did not create this because I am against the concerned people rather I would like to be, somewhat, an eye opener to my dorm mates.

Allow me to share and integrate some of my views as a graduating student and a resident of Xavier Honors' Dormitory for almost four years now with tonight's examen that is relative to my consciousness. To start with, let me share to you what was written in Manila Bulletin years ago which is entitled “ADNU’s best kept secret”. “Still and all, one of the best-kept secrets of the Ateneo de Naga University is the presence on this campus of an Honors Dorm that is home to 58 remarkable male and female student achievers. These dormers, housed mostly in the on-campus Xavier Dorm, follow a stringent schedule of daily activities. These hone them physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually to be model students who create a culture of excellence among the student population. These dormers are scholars who possess great potential yet might otherwise have been bereft of a college education due to grave financial constraints. But through the Honors Dorm Program, they have been taken in, given free board and lodging, and are being mentored closely so as to maintain high standards of performance both academically and in other formative elements.

Almost all of them know that I have experienced three supervisions in the dorm; Kuya Zero, Kuya Bibit and currently, Kuya Joel and majority also of the ladies have experienced two administrations, that of Ma’am Lil and ate Tin.

Kuya Zero is the ideal, strict and disciplined prefect and most of the times a Father. Kuya Bibit is a very loose and always out-of-reach prefect, a barkada should I say. Kuya Joel is a very busy, unpredictable prefect. Sometimes strict, but most of the times not... a brother should I say... but whether an older one or a younger one, that I do not know. Ma’am Lil is a female version of Kuya Zero but times 100% with being strict and KJ, a lady-guard in my imagination. Ate Tin, as I know her and based from hearsay, is a no pressure prefect and somewhat opposite to Ma’am Lil, more of being a counselor I must say.

With these descriptions and some observations in the dormitory, lucky are the ones who experienced and appreciated the administrations of Kuya Zero and Ma’am Lil. Yes, sometimes or most of the times, they're KJ or strict but now, have you realized the difference of the dormitories from before? Yes, I could say that it’s quite cleaner now but looking on a larger picture, Xavier Honors Dormitory for Men and Ladies before is incomparable. Kuya Zero and Ma’am Lil are just perfect epitomes of being a prefect. Through them, discipline was imparted to each and every resident of the dormitory. Through them, good feedbacks could be given to the dormers, to the dormitories. Through them, dormers were molded to what they should be. On the other hand, the three other prefects, looking on the positive side, test us to become and act as matured individuals in our respective dormitories that even without their presence, Xavier Honors Dormitory is Xavier Honors Dormitory. That even without their strict implementation of the rules, Xavier dormers can still be called and proudly be called University dormers.
Since then, friendship has always been the most discussed issue in the dormitory. You know what guys, there’s a great difference with the set of dormers before and now. Before, it’s okay to joke to any of your fellow dormers as long as you know your limitations. You know when to stop. You know when someone is already hurt. But now, it seems that almost everyone is insensitive. Most of the dormers now are too busy chatting about other’s lives. Why not focus first on your studies? Make sure that you’re still qualified to stay for the next semester.

If one friendship has come to an end, then respect it. The words of regrets do not help. Do you know how irritating to see your quote-unquote friends maliciously stare at you? And the most disgusting of all, the nonsense assumptions that make the situation worse. Isn’t it a form of backbiting? If you’re really a friend, you would respect the decisions made, unless you’re just one of those gossipmongers.

Conflict about friendship, I believe, is inevitable with this environment, with this kind of people. Many personalities and behaviors mixed in one dormitory.
Rules are made for the dormitories to be organized, to replace thought. If we know the rules, then we always know what to do even early in the morning, during study period or very late at night. I always remember when I was in my first year and Kuya Joel Laguerta was still the beadle. I and Mark Mandia were making a conversation as we go to church for the morning mass. After the mass, he warned us and reiterated that general silence should still be observed until the mass starts. That’s how strict the dorm was.

Ate Tin, as she always says, rules are just guide. But if we always treat it that way, then I believe sooner or later, the residents of the Xavier Honors Dormitories will never be the cream of the crop again. Why is that so? A very good example is our very own Xavier Honors Dorm – Men. Before, many of us could make it to President’s List or Dean’s List. Many dormers were being awarded during the ceremonies. Now, have you observed that for the past two years, only few of us were able to make it to the list, even Dean’s List?

As I see it, dormers who excel every semester become fewer and fewer because of not being strict with the rules or not observing the rules. Well, we all know that all of us should qualify at least for Dean’s List every semester for us to continue our scholarship in the dormitory. With Kuya Zero, all those who were in probationary status were given slip (I don’t know if it’s pink or blue because I did not receive one) to remind them that they must exert more effort in the next semester, otherwise, he will be thrown out of the dormitory. I believe, Ma’am Lil has the same implementation, or more strict rather. With the past two years, many of us have been relaxed because we know that Kuya Bibit cannot do it – to throw us out of the dormitory. If only Kuya Bibit became strict, many of the current dormers should have not been residing in the dorm right now. Now, I just do not know. Many considerations were given. Many of us have been spoiled. Many inconsistencies happened. Now that we only have the Final exams for this semester, evaluate ourselves, can we make it to the list? Do we still deserve to be called Xavier dormers? Do we still deserve to live and enjoy the privileges of being University dormers? Can we still justify that we, the so-called University dormers, are still the cream of the crop of this institution?

Lastly, think of this, how would you expect someone to respect you if you yourself do not know how to act properly in accordance with the rules and regulations of the dormitory, and the university?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Consciousness Examen - Friends

"Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus

God Almighty, Thank you for giving us strange persons who eventually become our friends. Thank you for the moments we’ve been sharing may it be laughter or pain. Thank you for giving them the sweetest smile which we see even early in the morning or even late at night. For being open-minded in most of the times. For being trustworthy in keeping secrets. For always being there in times of trouble and big problems. For cracking jokes even if they’re not funny. For the care in times of sickness. For enjoying one’s company even in the boring moments. For lending us even their personal and most valuable things. For helping us in our academic  and personal concerns. For the willingness to listen to one’s problems even late at night. For having the biggest shoulder in times of resentment. For having the biggest smile in times of success. For catching the tears that flow through one’s face. For walking beside us at all times not being a stranger nor being a leader, nor being a follower but being a friend.

Lord Jesus, Sorry if there are times that we’ve been taking for granted these people we called friends. If there are times that we’ve offended them, may it be intentionally or not. For being so tight in treating them. For being silent instead of resolving the issue. For wrongly using the pride. For the offensive jokes. For being bad influence. For being reluctant in helping them. For being possessive in some ways. For saying them bad words that should have not been uttered. For making bad assumptions. For backstabbing them whenever there are misunderstandings. For being not open to forgiveness. For being not open to communication. For always being a leader or follower instead of being a friend, Lord, Sorry.

God, our Savior, another day is about to end. Another friendship has sprouted. Another friendship has been renewed. Another friendship has come to an end. For the friendships that have just grown, Lord, bless us as we discover each other’s qualities, desires and sensations. May the sanctuary that has been formed between us exist for a life time. For the friendships that have just been renewed, Lord, guide us as we patch things up. May we earn again the trust that has been marred in the days of miscommunication. Teach us to trust again. Motivate us to fill the gaps that were formed out of anger. For the friendships that have just been ended, please take our broken selves and heal us in your love. Please provide unification and bring us into light. Maybe not now, not tomorrow but in the near future, may we learn how to forgive one’s transgressions and also, may we learn how to seek for forgiveness. No matter what, we know that there is one friend who always walks beside us and never leaves us and that is you. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Let'g go techy: can't see messenger messages on windows 7?

Just follow the instructions:

click START  >   click RUN which is located at ACCESSORIES (you can also type RUN in the search bar)  >  type REGEDIT   >   press ENTER.

find and click HKEY_CURRENT_USER .>  click SOFTWARE   >  click  MICROSOFT >  click WINDOWS  > click CURRENT VERSION   >  click  INTERNET SETTINGS  >   then click ZONES.

you'll see folders like 0 1 2 3 etc.
you might see a box kind of folder before the zero folder...DELETE that.

Restart Your PC and everything will be fine.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Consciousness Examen - Time

"There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot the plant. A time to kill and a time heal. A time to tear down and a time to build. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them; a time to embrace and a time to cast away. A time to rend and a time to sew; a time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to love and time to hate; a time of war and a time peace."

Father, thank you for open-handedly giving us the perfect time for everything. From the exact time we were born and saw this cruel world up to the time when we learned to speak and walk. From the time we first entered the school of school up to the time we first received academic award. From the time when we first met our friends in the school of street up to the time we have had our so called best friends. From the time we had our first crush up to the time we had our puppy love. From the time we had our first love up to the time we first entered into courtship. From the time we committed into a relationship up to the time we had our first heart break. From the time we learned how to laugh up to the time when we learned how to cry and experience sorrow. From the time when we learned how to chain a relationship up to the time when we have learned when to let go…to untie the knot. From the time when we first said thank you for the toys up to the moment when we will say thank you for giving this life.

Father, we are begging for forgiveness for most of the times we cannot hit the right time to act. You have given us all the time we needed but here we are, approaching to you regretfully. Sorry if during conex, we actually do not pray, rather we think of our projects, assignments and other concerns, well in fact, it is the time when we should we make it up to you. Sorry if we break the rules especially in the dormitory. Sorry if there are people who we take for granted. Sorry if sometimes hatred dominates a day in our lives. Sorry if we cannot appreciate the works of others. Sorry if there have been times that we have chosen to be silent rather than talk of a certain issue. For all the sins we have committed, we beg for forgiveness.

Father, please purify our hearts, mind and soul as we sleep tonight. Please inculcate in our hearts the lessons we’ve learned in the school of street. Please always lead us to excellence as we walk throughout the school of school but keeping in mind that winning is not getting ahead of others but getting ahead of oneself. Never give up on us when we reach the school of corporates. And please guide us and our families and loved ones in hitting the right time in the school of life.